Haven Stories
Digital Resources
In these videos and other resources we bring the Haven Tools to you, for use in your home, at a time that suits you… go ahead and take your pick!
Audio Tracks – settle back and relax whilst you listen to these tracks designed to build calm into your life.
Webinars – recordings of our popular Webinar series, going into more depth about some of the issues surrounding anxiety/related topics.
Videos – short films that unpack some of the principles and exercises we use to help build metal resilience.
‘‘This webinar came at just right time for my daughter… she found it really useful, thanks a million!’’
- (parent of Webinar attendee)
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Other Useful Information and Links:
Young Minds - A great site for all things related to young people’s mental health.
The Ollie Foundation – Are you thinking about suicide or worried about a young person ending their life? OLLIE is a charity dedicated to delivering suicide awareness, intervention and prevention training.
Alumina (previously SelfharmUK) - Have you thought about hurting yourself in the last week? Or perhaps you are concerned about a friend of family member… SelfharmUK is an organisation dedicated to self-harm recover, insight and support.
Headstrong - Headstrong is a new initiative run by the national Christian youth work charity Youthscape, providing an online space aimed exclusively at young people with a focus on promoting positive mental wellbeing, that is clearly grounded in Christian faith and practice.
The Mix - The Mix is a crisis messenger text service that provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you are a young person (aged 25 or under), and are experiencing any painful emotion or are in crisis, you can text THEMIX to 85258 for immediate, confidential support. The Mix aims to connect every texter to a trained volunteer in less than 5 minutes to provide crisis help.
Five Minute Journal - We’re great fans of journaling and this gives you an intro to a simple way to change your life through writing down some key daily thoughts and observations in only five minutes. (Other journals are available!! 😉)
Kitten Therapy - Maybe you need kitten therapy?