The Haven would love to help equip your school:
We recognise that life for young people is full-on and if you struggle with anxiety, you may not feel ready to come to a Haven Local Group. So we bring Haven to you!
Working in association with Step and other schools’ work organisations, we run eight-week courses in Secondary Schools, introducing the core Haven Tools and providing support and encouragement in a small, self-selected group of pupils.
If you are interested in Haven running our resilience-building courses in your school please contact us at: info@thehaven.uk
If you are a Christian schools worker or volunteer who works in a secondary school, and you want to learn more about how we can train and enable you, please click here. If you want to know more about our new course for year 6 in primary schools, please click here to register your interest.
“I would totally recommend (Haven) to a friend because I’ve learnt skills for life & the people here are comforting… it’s really helped me cope with anxiety!”