One Off Giving
There are a number of options of how to financially support our work regularly. Please choose the one that is best for you.
Please note that The Haven operates under the governance of the charity The267Project.
All money given to The Haven is ring-fenced for use in Haven-specific work.

Donate via People’s Fundraiser:
You can donate via People’s Fundraiser, which will enable you to give using your credit/debit card or PayPal.
Directly through your Bank:
This is our preferred option as there are no charges, so we will receive the whole amount you give.
Please use the following bank details to set up a bank transfer:
Acc No: 43235201 Sort: 09-06-66
If you choose to give via a Standing Order please fill out the form below to send our Administrator an email, so we know who to thank:
Donate by Cheque
Alternatively you can donate by cheque.
Please make your cheque payable to ‘The267Project’ and send to our offices
(c/o The 267 Project, St Albans Diocese, 41 Holywell Hill, AL1 1HE)
Gift Aid Your Donation
If you're a tax-payer, then please take advantage of the government’s Gift Aid scheme! You only need to complete the form once. This will enable us to reclaim the basic rate tax you have paid on any gifts you make to us - that’s a further £25 on a gift of £100 at no further cost to you. The simplest way is to complete our online form, which will be automatically sent to us.